

What is kidney transplant?

What is kidney transplant?
Kidney transplant refers to a procedure that places a healthy kidney to replace the diseased kidney to work. If it is done successfully, there is a great chance to get rid of dialysis. In this condition, a matched kidney is necessary, generally, the kidney may come from:
1.Cadaveric donor kidney- a person who has recently died.
2.Living-related donor- your parents, brothers and sisters or children.
3.Living-unrelated donor- your spouse or friends.
When kidney transplant is needed?
Generally speaking, kidney transplant is needed when the condition progresses into kidney failure or ESRD. By doing so, this surgery can help expend patients’ life expectancy.In addition to this treatment, a well-balanced diet, usage of drugs, etc are also needed to treat kidney failure well.
How long will kidney transplant take?
In general, this procedure takes for 3-6 hours. And patients may stay in hospital within 15 days. If other discomforts occurs, you should stay in hospital for a longer time. When you leave the hospital, it is also necessary to do some tests to monitor how your kidneys work.
What are the contraindications of kidney transplant?
Absolute contraindications:
1. Ages The shorter life expectancy is, the stronger the allograft rejection.
2.Primary disorders
3.Unhealed malignant tumors
4.Active hepatitis
5.Myocardial infarction or active tuberculosis
6.AIDs or peptic ulcer
Relative contraindications: These contraindications usually include obesity, mental disorder, urinary tract infection, primary glomerulonephritis, uncontrolled high blood sugar level.

