

After kidney transplant

After kidney transplant
Should I take medicines after kidney transplant?
After kidney transplantation, medicines including immunosuppressive agents will be used to alleviate the rejection reaction. And these drugs can not be stopped without consulting your doctors first.
What are the complications of kidney transplant?
Vascular complication It accounts for 6%-30%, which can manifest as bleeding, thrombus or artery stenosis.Urinary system complication such as, ureter stenosis.Infections(related to low immunity), and bacterial infection accounts for 80%.Besides, other complications like high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, tumor, etc can also occur.
What is the diet plan after kidney transplant?
Relatively speaking, people will have fewer diet restrictions after kidney transplant. However, they still need to make some dietary changes. Such as, low-salt, low-fat, high-fiber, moderate intake of protein, etc. Remember that the diet plan should be based on your specific condition, and both your doctors and dietitian will help.
How long will the transplanted kidney work?
According to the statistics, the survive rate of transplanted kidney within a year is above 90%. Due to severe allograft rejection, some transplanted kidneys may work for a few weeks. It is generally acknowledged that kidneys come from living donors can work longer than those from cadaveric donors.

