

The diet of CKD

The diet of CKD
Types of exercise for CKD patients
Strengthening exercises like stair climbing can improve muscle strengthen and mange weight.At the beginning of the exercise program, the patients should control the amount of exercise and just do only several repetitions of each exercise.They can increase their exercise intensity gradually.
Flexibility exercises or stretching exercise can be done by patients with CKD.Flexibility exercises or stretching exercises is helpful for improving the movement within joints and reduce muscle stiffness.
Cardiovascular exercises are recommended to patients with CKD. It can enhance the cardiac function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart disease.
A balanced diet for CKD patients
In addition,a balanced diet can reduce the production of wastes and decrease workload on kidneys.
Protein intake
Healthy kidneys normally eliminate nitrogen and creatinine from body.However,extra protein can increase the production of these two wastes,thus causing extra strain on kidneys.Eating less protein can keep the patients with CKD healthier.
What is recommended amount of protein in your diet? Chat with our online doctor for an answer now!
Sodium and potassium
Healthy kidneys can eliminate excess sodium from body, but the diseased kidneys fail to do so, leading to high blood pressure or swelling.A diet low in salt should be followed with less consumption of processed product,canned soups and fast foods.
The patients may need more or less potassium in CKD, so talk to a dietitian about whether you should cut down potassium in your diet.
Other nutrients

The patients may also need to limit intake of fluid to reduce strain on kidneys and retention of fluid in body.Monitor the levels of calcium and phosphors. Keeping balance of these two kinds of minerals can keep the bone healthy.

